Monday, July 25, 2016

Comment on White House to Reconsider Ban on Military Gear for Police by pharmerdavid

In the UK, and other countries where most police are NOT armed, statistics prove there are MUCH less shooting deaths of citizens AND police. Over 80% of the police in the UK are unarmed, and they do NOT want to be armed because they understand it would make their job more dangerous. Given these facts, why are we allowing our police to be armed at all? With the current state of technology, including body cameras, instant communication, drones, and armed officers properly trained in the use of deadly force who can arrive on the scene within minutes, there is no logical reason to have armed police. It’s extremely rare that having a gun saves a police officers life, rather it makes them targets. Instead of discussing giving police military weapons, we should be demanding they be disarmed immediately (and renamed “Peace Enforcement and Public Safety Officers”?)…!

by pharmerdavid at Comments for High Times

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